Friday, January 10, 2014

i'm back, y'all.

I would love to apologize for my lengthy absence. I would love to say things like "I'm sorry for not posting for such a long time" and making excuses such as "I was just so busy with school and extracurriculars that I didn't have time." I would love to remind everyone how much they missed me by writing a spectacular post to makeup for the three months I was not writing about makeup and fashion and sorority life. I would love to, I really would.

But I won't. You see, I'm not sorry. I wasn't too busy to post. And I know that no one missed me while I was gone. Here's what really happened:

Around the time of my last post, I got really depressed. I had been depressed over the summer, and while recruitment and the start of school had distracted me, I was still in a rough place. I won't go into all the details, but I will say that when you're depressed, you lose interest in the things that you love. Forr me, that was my blog. I started writing posts and then never finished them because I didn't have the motivation to do so. Subconsciously, I even questioned whether or not anyone would even care. And maybe they did, and maybe they didn't, I'm not sure. I will say, there have been many times in the past few weeks, especially, that I had an idea of something to write, but then a cloud of guilt consumed that notion and snuffed it out. I figured it would be better just to say I had a good run and let it die and go to Blog Purgatory with all the other abandoned blogs.

Don't worry though - I'm better now. I went to the doctor and was prescribed antidepressants, found a new group of friends who didn't judge me when I was at my lowest, and just took a break from a lot of the pressures I was placing on myself, this blog included. But now, I'm back and I'm ready to make 2014 a great year.

So here's what happened since my last post: I turned 21, made a 3.5, had a lot of Tinder escapades, applied for CPC Exec and was turned down, got an iPad mini, and Erin Condren planner, and Naked 3 for Christmas (I'll be blogging about those, don't you worry), and learned a lot about myself in the process. 

2014 is bringing a lot of things for me. First, I'm getting my Fightin' Texas Aggie Ring in April, which is a big deal as it becomes our key to the great Aggie Network. Then, I'm going to study abroad this summer in Granada, Spain for two months. And finally, I'm graduating early in December. Phew! I'm so excited to be starting the next chapter of my life in the months to come. 

Another exciting thing that's just happened is that I have been selected to be a Campus Rep for Your Sorority Sister! YSS is a blog I've been following since I first started blogging. Her posts center around sorority life - from recruitment to sisterhood to sorority shoutouts, her posts are fun and give valuable advice. I'll be contributing bi-monthly posts, so be on the lookout for those. I feel so honored to be representing both my sorority and A&M by being a Campus Rep!

And it is because of this wonderful opportunity that I am back to blogging. I needed this kick in the butt anyway. Get ready for a great year!


  1. Glad you're back to blogging! I remember reading your posts months ago and loving them. I'm a campus rep as well!

  2. Thank you!! I'm so excited to be a campus rep, too!

  3. Keep your head up!! I have struggled with depression too. It will get better :)
